
July 17, 2012

Now I realize it's been almost a month since I last blogged! Then I realize how much I actually miss blogging and don't know what exactly to blog about at the same time... It's just that I have too many ideas on how to make the blog a worthy one or what posts exactly to write and I end up being uncreative and mad it won't work...  At the same time I suck at design ideas, because I'm looking at a bunch of other great blogs and I happen to like simple designs a lot, tho sometimes I fall in love with the ornate, colorful ones and I can't figure out what will fit my blog best, but as you see I decided to go with the simple one and made the new blog design as simple as possible, counting on the lots of colorful photos to interleave it. From now on I'll try to use all of the other great blogs I read as an inspiration and give my best post ideas a shot, so I hope it'll all work!

For those long weeks I gave myself a "blogging break" so many things happened to me, you can't even imagine! /I'll tell more about it all in my next posts/ I  finally finished my two week school accounting practice, went to a long vacation on both mountains and sea shore, got over some old "freindships" and started some new ones, got some new habbits, been trough some tough times and changes and even set a whole new beginning in my life... So let's just say those 3 weeks were quite vortex for me.

That's why I decided to finish off the weekend with a glass of cold strawberry champagne, nice new music, some home-made salty crackers and bunch of summer stories to tell you... And what better way?

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